Urinary Catheter Management

Our Clinical Nurse Consultant is urology trained and qualified to perform catheter changes on a regular basis.

Urinary Catheter Management

Urinary Catheter Management

Some participants require urinary catheters, which may be indwelling, suprapubic or intermittent.  Our Clinical Nurse Consultant is urology trained and qualified to perform catheter changes on a regular basis.

We can schedule catheter changes (IDC or SPC) as required to be attended in home.

We can also teach a person intermittent catheterisation and provide ongoing support in a review appointment as often as required.

A report and quote for service and products can be supplied for the purpose of financial planning for NDIS planners, LACs, support coordinators, plan managers and those who are self-managed.

We can recommend, quote and order products on your behalf and with your approval, ensuring your always have what you need, provided your funding has been arranged as recommended in our report.

Daily care of a catheter is a requirement for support workers and training is offered.

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